History of White Oak

Sunday School
White Oak ARP offers a variety of opportunities for people of all ages to grow in the faith. Sunday School is a specific time set aside for topics of Christian education. These sessions are more interactive and study-like than a formal service. Sunday School takes place from 9:45-10:30am.
College & Career to Adults: Classes range in topic and style, from more inductive studies through particular books of the Bible to broader explorations of specific theological or doctrinal topics; some classes are more lecture-based, and others are discussion-based.
Adult classes meet on the first floor of the education building.
Children Ages 2-10 years (Pre-K through 5th Grade): Great Commissions Publications is often used for children's classes. A time is allotted at the beginning of the children's Sunday School hour to learn Scripture truths through Songs for Saplings.
(Nursery is provided for children ages 0-2 years during Sunday School.)
Pre-K through 5th grade classes meet on the first floor of the education building.
Middle & High School: Students are brought deeper into their understanding of the Scriptures and the Christian faith. Students participate in discussion with peers and teachers centered around the Word, practice memorization of Scripture and catechisms, and pray with one another. Currently, Middle School and High School meets together in the second floor.
Nursery Ages 0-3 is currently provided at both the 8:30am and the 11:00am services.
Nursery protocols can be viewed here.
Current Sunday School Topics are Below:
2 & 3 Year-Olds - A Sure Foundation: His Praiseworthy Deeds
PK/K: 4, 5, 6 Year Olds - God Created All Things
1st & 2nd Grade - Pleasing God
3rd– 5th Grade - God’s Servants
Middle & High School - Psalms
Adult Classes​
Genealogy of Jesus: Join us as we take a Biblical survey exploring the genealogy of Jesus and the individuals mentioned within it. We will explore a variety of texts through Scripture and see how God weaves his plan of redemption through the lives of Jesus' earthly family. - Room 111
The Gospel-centered Community: Building biblical community in the church & among those with whom we associate is our goal. We will be using The Gospel-centered Community by Robert Thune & Will Walker as our guide to focus our Bible study. This class is for all adult ages to help us, as believers, get past the current prevailing evangelical notion of church as a building and programs & help us get to a gospel-centered life here at White Oak and in our broader community. An effective, gospel-centered community will lead to growing discipleship, rich fellowship and Spirit-empowered mission. - Room 206
Parenting & Grandparenting: Based on Paul Tripp’s book "Parenting," this class offers parents much more than a “to-do” list. Instead, it presents us with a big-picture view of God’s plan for us as parents. Outlining fourteen foundational principles centered on the Gospel, we see how God’s grace has the power to shape how we view everything we do as parents (or grandparents). - Room 207
Nehemiah for You...a study by Kathleen Nielson and D.A. Carson (Begins July 14):
We are made to love stories – and Nehemiah draws us into a powerful one. It’s a true
story, all about God’s faithfulness to His people and the call for their faithful response to
Him. Nehemiah reminds us to see through to the invisible reality of the good hand of God
actively shaping the course of nations, for His sovereign, eternal purposes…and being
reminded of it even in the dark. - Room 107 -
The Whole Christ (Begins July 14): Since we’re saved by grace alone, does the law of God have a place in the life of a Christian? This perennial question is essential to answer if we are to be faithful followers of Christ. In this series, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson expands on his book and illustrates the biblical relationship between God’s grace and our work. Dr. Ferguson makes it clear that the solution to both legalism and lawlessness is the same - a right understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. - Room 209
Discipleship Class (Begins August 4): In Matthew 28, Jesus charges his disciples to go and make more disciples. What does that look like? What is a disciple and how do you make one? We will be turning to God's Word and Christ's example to better understand how we can be faithful to the Great Commission. We'll discuss practical steps and tips for discipleship. And find specific opportunities to disciple others and be discipled here at White Oak.